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Yoga Classes & Courses

I teach a weekly in-person class at Bamboo Yoga Byron Bay, alongside an array of online courses, some with a specific start date (Embody Devi) and some that you can start anytime (The Yamas & Niyamas ~ an embodied inquiry). 

You can also scroll down for a small but varied selection of on-demand recorded classes below.


Online Courses

The Yamas & Niyamas - an embodied inquiry

Enrich your understanding & application of the deep moral & ethical roots of the tree of Yoga, via this 10-week embodied journey into the 1st & 2nd limbs of Patanjali's Eightfold Path.

  • 10 x 75min Yoga practices, filmed live at Bamboo Yoga, Byron Bay. 

  • Thoughtful & provocative notes on each theme

  • Journal prompts

  • Poetry & prose to elucidate and inspire

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In-Person Classes

Weekly at Bamboo Yoga,

Byron Bay

Wed & Thurs 6:30-7:45am

Unhurried Vinyasa classes combining smooth, fluid asana with steady, mindful breath, with lots of options & modifications for varied needs.

Classes include guided meditation, intention, rest, and often poetry or prose to inspire or console.


On-demand recorded

Balanced, grounded, meditative practises to energise or restore


Inspire your home practice with a live class recording. Choose from a range of styles and class durations below

Live class recordings

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