Awaken the archetypal energies of the
Divine Feminine within you
Dear woman,
This course is a love letter to the potential within you - to heal, and grow, and shape-shift, again and again, in humble obeisance to the power of Love unfolding within.
It's a love song to Devi - the Divine Mother, in her triple aspects of Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati, in whom we find the source of our power, our joy, our creativity, indeed, our whole life.
And it's an invitation, to spend 10 weeks together,
coming to know these shining examples of strength, beauty, and wisdom,
in such a way that they transform us, for the good of all.
Om Namo Narayani! Jai Jai Shakti Ma!
“You are a volume in the divine book.
A mirror to the power that created the Universe.
Whatever you want, ask it of yourself.
Whatever you’re looking for can only be found inside of you”.
~ Rumi
Love from the last round...
"The 2 months of the course were crazy... I moved country and got lost in finding a new house and getting settled... yet every bit of the course was made for what I was going through... like a comforter from the Universe. I'm so grateful Lucy & everyone for your inspiration & beauty"
Basma Almarzouqi
Saudi Arabia
"The live lessons, the mantras, the yoga classes, the explanations of the Goddesses, the podcasts...
I savoured and relished everything that you offered. It was such a sacred offering"
Carmela Fleury,
"There was way more content than I could have dreamed of - all so relevant and useful. This course is a toolkit for life and I found everything so useful and insightful"
Nyree Cox,
So what's it all about?
The easiest way to explain might be to clarify first what it's not.
That is, the projection of perfection onto an outward anthropomorphic figure of the Divine, as we dive at Her feet asking to be uplifted, whilst otherwise doing nothing different.
I tried that for many years, and it wasn’t very effective.
Think more of a co-creation, a collaboration between human and divine where most certainly we ask for guidance and grace, AND simultaneously understand that we are the one’s responsible for the choices we make, each & every day, that amount to a life, harmonious or otherwise.
We'll merge traditional Tantric yogic practices with contemporary coaching tools - asana, pranayama, mantra, meditation, visualisation, creative dialogue, and profound self inquiry to unearth the latent divine qualities within us, and then bring them to light in the most grounded and practical of ways, for the good of all.
Week 1
Divine as Mother
Meet Devi - the World Mother, Ultimate Creatress and Supreme guide into the more mystical realms of Yoga & Tantra. Learn how your relationship with Her can amplify your practice and literally change your life in the most profoundly embodied, and constructive ways.
Set yourself up to get the most of out of the next 9 weeks.
Weeks 2,3,4
Ma Durga
Meet Durga - Warrior Goddess of Strength, Courage & Fierce Compassion, in both light & shadow.
Here we get the chance to re-define strength from a feminine perspective, exploring boundaries (both building & dissolving); courageous inner listening; and the fierce compassion required to confront our self-limiting habits & beliefs, whilst tending gently & wisely to our vulnerability and humanness.
Weeks 5,6,7
Ma Lakshmi
Meet Lakshmi - Goddess of Beauty, Nourishment, & Generosity/Virtue, in both light & shadow.
Simple practices for cultivating presence, satisfaction, pleasure, & a feeling of abundance by experiencing more fully what is. We find new ways of being nourished, and nourishing... the sweetness of giving from a full cup... and the liberating power of virtuous/skilful action.
Weeks 8,9,10
Ma Saraswati
Meet Saraswati - Goddess of Creative Expression, Insight, & Sound, in both light & shadow.
Here we cultivate Silence, as the ground of all creativity & authentic self expression; Integrity - as the container that purifies our intent; and Sound, as a vehicle for invocation, inspiration, and healing.
Next course begins 2022. Register your interest here
Each week we explore a different divine quality (3 qualities/aspect of Devi) via a live lesson (1hr), a pre-recorded Yoga class, written notes, mantra recordings, guided meditations/visualisations, self inquiry, creative exercises & journal prompts.
This course is for you if:
~ you'd love the support of a positive, inclusive, loving community to both have your back & keep you accountable to your highest aspirations.
~ have kids, work, or a full life already & would rather do a course over an extended period of time so that you can imbibe the content free of stress or overwhelm.
~ curious about Devi (the divine feminine) & her aspects.
~ feel called to explore the more devotional/mystical paths of Yoga
~ know that you're ready to dig deep & shift some old patterns that keep you in fear or lack.
~ recognise the dire need for change in our culture, & your part in that as a healthy, happy, empowered woman.
~ would love to explore the divine qualities in depth, & to nurture your own capacity to embody love, for the good of all.
What you'll get:
+ Beautifully written notes for each aspect of Devi - Durga, Lakshmi & Saraswati
+ 9 x live lessons on each of the divine qualities w/ time for Q&A (or watch recording)
[Live lesson time: Tuesdays 8pm Sydney time]
+ 9 x pre-recorded 60-90min Yoga classes on each week's theme
+ mantra recordings
+ Guided meditations/visualisations on each Devi's medicine
+ Self Inquiry exercises and journal prompts
+ access to a private Whatsapp group for sharing, check-ins, & bonus content throughout
+ Bonus content:
~ Interviews with women I admire
~ Inspirational music & poetry
~ links to podcast episodes relevant to the weekly theme
~ regular posts on Instagram to keep you inspired & on track
~ Certificate of Completion (if desired) counting for 35hrs of Continuing Education
with Yoga Alliance
About Lucy
I've been a Yoga teacher & trainer for more than 23 years, and life coach for the past 3. I can't remember exactly when I started to relate to the divine as Mother, or Ma, only that it felt like the most natural thing to do.
All of my most beloved Yoga teachers & mentors both shared and nurtured this connection. And then in 2010, in Tamil Nadu, South India, I was introduced to an extraordinary being, affectionately known as Sri Sakthi Amma (Amma for short).
Amma awakened new depths of bhakti (divine love/devotion) in me, the desire to return again & again to Her feet (both literally/geographically & metaphorically!), and the need to share Her very simple message of love, simplicity, and service.
It's with the utmost humility that I offer this course, not as any kind of an expert, but simply as a lover and devotee of Devi. I hope it will ignite a similar love affair in you, and that both of us, and this world, be changed for the better by that love.
Om Namo Narayani
Ready to sign up?
Less than $33 per week!
3 x monthly payments of AUD$135
First one when you join, and then 2 more auto-billed each month
Feel the pull but struggling to pay?
2 x scholarship places available for friends in need of a leg up
Email Lucy to inquire